
Current Research

“I Use IT” is a cooperation between the Education Department at Stockholm City and DSV. There are several research projects beneath this umbrella, e.g. ”Datorn som verktyg för 1:1 satsningen” and ”The Research Party”- One common element is that both projects touch on subjects such as democratic sustainability, social sustainability, school environment and ICT.

Link to reports:

“Pupils as co-researchers”
“Student influence – yes!”

Teachers digital competence building. 2017-2018. Funding agency: Stockholm University. Many of the TEL members are participating in this project (lead by Jalal Nouri).

Previous Research

“FlashPoll” was a three-year EU-project and the FlashPoll app for smartphones is an innovative approach towards a better involvement of citizens in municipal decision-making processes through location based flash polling.

More information: FlashPoll

 “We.learn it”  was a two-year EU-project with the goal of creating a new paradigm for schools, a network for European schools in order to introduce new work processes for the future. DSV recently got funding from the EU FP7 Framework program, challenge Technology Enhanced Learning, for a 2 year project. The project focuses on creating a new paradigm for schools, a network for European Schools in order to introduce new learning technologies for the 21st Century.

More information: